Calendar of Events Weekend Programs Prairie Hike Halloween Hike Belgian Waffle Breakfast Basket Workshop The Palo Alto County Conservation Board provides recreational and educational experiences that are accessible to the public and initiates programs designed to protect and enhance the natural and cultural resources of Palo Alto County. We believe that the conservation of our natural resources tomorrow depends upon the education of our citizens today. Naturalist, Miriam Patton conducts programs to teach and encourage children and adults to explore the natural world and experience nature first-hand. Take advantage of the free summer weekend programs at the nature center. Programs are also provided for civic and youth groups and the general public. Be a part of the excitement during May with our spectacular Wings and Wetlands event. Our prairies, marshes, lakes and river will keep you coming back for more.
Nature Crafts Water Fun
Basket Workshop -
Halloween Hike
Belgian Waffle Breakfast:
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