A mushroom does not belong to a particular plant.
A fungus, “Athlete’s Foot”, is also known as. But, don’t be discouraged!
There are many types and varieties of mushrooms. Some mushrooms have toxic properties, others are psychoactive, but many others are edible and can provide incredible health benefits. See https://www.ayahuascahealings.com/ayahuasca-retreats-peru-sacredvalley/ to get more info.
You will be drawn to the ones you see in the grocery store. They are either sold in small batches on Styrofoam plates or sold separately.
You should choose loose mushrooms to be able to hand-pick the whitest and freshest. Once you have picked them, bag them in the paper bags that are often provided by the store. The paper bag allows your hand-picked mushrooms to breathe, which keeps them fresher until you use them.
Most mushrooms sold in supermarkets come from commercially-grown mushroom farms. Most mushroom farms smell like crap. The reason is that mushrooms, unlike other vegetables, eat manure.
This is why so many people think mushrooms should be avoided. This false conclusion is plausible because common sense says that mushrooms, which are found in dung, can be beneficial for your health. This idea has become a popular expression.
“You treat I like a mushroom. You feed me lots of shit while keeping me in the dark!”
To a mushroom that is, however, great! However, mushrooms don’t like the darkness and don’t see “shit” as misinformation. Instead they see pure, composted foods that are over-loaded with every nutrient an organism could wish for. After eating manure throughout the day, mushrooms turn into succulent morsels of food. They have stored up all the goodness and filtered out all the bad, creating a tasty, nutritious fungus that is rich in nutrients.